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Black Bear Spa LLC UEI# RNWKB7MS5Y95 Serenity’s Candle Co. Cage Code# 928G7 670 E Underline RD 98528-9152 Contractor# BlackBS872OW fax: 866.731.0640


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The Unforgettable First Hot Tub Repair: A Dance with Danger
Embarking on a new career path is always an adventure, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. As a novice pool and hot tub technician, I was entrusted with my first solo repair job, replacing a digital topside control unit on a hot tub. The location? A serene, secluded home nestled deep within the woods of Mason County, far removed from the bustling city life of Dayton, Ohio. The house, adorned with dark wooden bricks, a metal roof, and cedar trim, was a picturesque sight, surrounded by lush greenery and a beautifully manicured yard. Little did I know, this tranquil setting would soon transform into a heart-pounding encounter with nature's raw power.
As I began working on the hot tub, situated in a charming corner of the yard surrounded by hedges and wooden bear statues, I found myself captivated by the beauty of my surroundings. The melodious chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves created a symphony of serenity that was a welcome change from the industrial decline of Dayton. However, this peaceful ambiance was abruptly shattered when I noticed one of the wooden bear statues moving. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that the statue was, in fact, a live bear cub, curiously observing my every move.
: The sight of the bear cub sent a chill down my spine, and my mind raced with thoughts of imminent danger. I was acutely aware that where there's a cub, a protective mother bear was likely nearby. The situation was dire, and I was alone in this remote location, with only the incessant barking of the homeowners' dogs as a reminder of civilization. I quickly gathered my tools and made a dash for the service van, my heart pounding in my chest like a wild drum.
As I reached the safety of the van, I looked back and saw a sight that would forever be etched in my memory. A majestic mother bear, followed by her three cubs, was casually strolling through the very spot where I had been working just moments ago. The realization that I had narrowly escaped a potentially life-threatening encounter sent a shudder through my body. As the bears disappeared into the woods, the dogs ceased their barking, and an eerie silence descended upon the area.
With newfound caution, I returned to the hot tub and completed the repair, constantly glancing over my shoulder to ensure I was still alone. As I drove away from the property, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. What had started as a simple, routine repair job had turned into a harrowing brush with danger. This experience served as a stark reminder that in this line of work, unforeseen challenges can arise at any moment. From aggressive dogs to flooded roads and unexpected wildlife encounters, every repair job is an adventure in its own right. It was in that moment that I knew this was the life I wanted to live – a life filled with excitement, challenges, and the occasional dance with danger.
That fateful day in the woods of Mason County not only marked the beginning of my career as a pool and hot tub technician but also became an integral part of the company's identity. The black bear, a symbol of strength and adaptability, now serves as a constant reminder of the importance of vigilance and preparedness in the face of adversity. As I continue to grow and learn in this industry, I will always carry with me the memory of that first repair job and the powerful lesson it taught me: expect the unexpected and embrace the adventure. by: Tyree Acker

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Black Bear Spa LLC Serenity’s Candle Co. © Black Bear Spa LLC WA# Blackbs872OW UEI# RNWKB7MS5Y95
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Setting the Mindset Amidst Morning Chaos
The Unforgettable First Hot Tub Repair: A Dance with Danger
Embarking on a new career path is always an adventure, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. As a novice pool and hot tub technician, I was entrusted with my first solo repair job, replacing a digital topside control unit on a hot tub. The location? A serene, secluded home nestled deep within the woods of Mason County, far removed from the bustling city life of Dayton, Ohio. The house, adorned with dark wooden bricks, a metal roof, and cedar trim, was a picturesque sight, surrounded by lush greenery and a beautifully manicured yard. Little did I know, this tranquil setting would soon transform into a heart- pounding encounter with nature's raw power.
As I began working on the hot tub, situated in a charming corner of the yard surrounded by hedges and wooden bear statues, I found myself captivated by the beauty of my surroundings. The melodious chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves created a symphony of serenity that was a welcome change from the industrial decline of Dayton. However, this peaceful ambiance was abruptly shattered when I noticed one of the wooden bear statues moving. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that the statue was, in fact, a live bear cub, curiously observing my every move.
: The sight of the bear cub sent a chill down my spine, and my mind raced with thoughts of imminent danger. I was acutely aware that where there's a cub, a protective mother bear was likely nearby. The situation was dire, and I was alone in this remote location, with only the incessant barking of the homeowners' dogs as a reminder of civilization. I quickly gathered my tools and made a dash for the service van, my heart pounding in my chest like a wild drum.
As I reached the safety of the van, I looked back and saw a sight that would forever be etched in my memory. A majestic mother bear, followed by her three cubs, was casually strolling through the very spot where I had been working just moments ago. The realization that I had narrowly escaped a potentially life-threatening encounter sent a shudder through my body. As the bears disappeared into the woods, the dogs ceased their barking, and an eerie silence descended upon the area.
With newfound caution, I returned to the hot tub and completed the repair, constantly glancing over my shoulder to ensure I was still alone. As I drove away from the property, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. What had started as a simple, routine repair job had turned into a harrowing brush with danger. This experience served as a stark reminder that in this line of work, unforeseen challenges can arise at any moment. From aggressive dogs to flooded roads and unexpected wildlife encounters, every repair job is an adventure in its own right. It was in that moment that I knew this was the life I wanted to live – a life filled with excitement, challenges, and the occasional dance with danger.
That fateful day in the woods of Mason County not only marked the beginning of my career as a pool and hot tub technician but also became an integral part of the company's identity. The black bear, a symbol of strength and adaptability, now serves as a constant reminder of the importance of vigilance and preparedness in the face of adversity. As I continue to grow and learn in this industry, I will always carry with me the memory of that first repair job and the powerful lesson it taught me: expect the unexpected and embrace the adventure. by: Tyree Acker